23 September 2008

Who stole the sun!

As you have all probably noticed that winter never really left us this year for some weird reason, but now it's getting bitter and dark. Yesterday was the first time in ages where i had to don the gore-tex and long fingered gloves. What does make me laugh is that a bit of rain makes us in the UK get into our steamed up little tin box's and wait in traffic jams for hours, honking horns and swearing at each other instead of buying the right gear for the elements and riding or walking to work.
 The clothing i use for winter riding costs less than running the average car in bristol for a week and means that i'm all snug as a bug in a rug, not getting fat and my commute takes the same time no matter what the traffics like. So i turn up for work on time, healthy and chilled as a good glass of champagne.
 Next time your waiting in a traffic jam getting stressed, think of me stress free