7 September 2011

Night riders!

Jon Shergold, Columbia Bikefood mtb rider and mountain bike coach, is now leading regular Wednesday night rides in Bristol

New Mud Dock Cycleworks recruit Jon Shergold works his magic in the workshop by day and is also now leading group rides from our shop each Wednesday (6.15PM meet for a 6.30PM start) (rides are now currently happening Tues and Thurs evening — but please contact the Cycleworks to confirm 0117 929 2151)
Jon Shergold for Columbia Bikefood

A sponsored rider for Columbia Bikefood, Mud Dock is delighted to have Jon join the team. In this post, Jon talks about his background, work, and what to expect on the Wednesday rides (contact the Cycleworks to confirm as dates change 0117 929 2151).

"Being a sponsored rider is the same as any other job. You have certain obligations, in this case it's primarily about brand promotion. Yes, you have to be good and you have to place well, but giving the brands a positive face, just getting them out there and noticed is just as important; the team needs a return on its investment.
"I've done a lot of riding across all disciplines from down-hilling to Track and been racing since I was 14. I worked in the Alps last year and have been coaching both adults and kids over in Cardiff as part of a club over there, so I know what works. I'm also a British Road Cycling Commissaire which means I can oversee most British road racing which is quite cool."
Night riding (image courtesy Mountain Bike Online http://www.mountainbike.org.uk/)

Why Bristol?
"I moved from Cardiff for a change of scene. A friend said that Bristol was cool and he has been proved 100% correct — I love it here. I'm lucky because I've landed on my feet with this job at Mud Dock, a really good bunch of people, a smart set-up, brilliant atmosphere too. The riding here is good, though I am still exploring that. I'm out on my bike all the time."
What are the Weds rides all about?
"Anyone can be fit, but not everyone can ride a bike. That's what the Wednesday evening sessions are about: improving technique, knowing how to handle the trials, anticipation, and judgement.

"The trails at Ashton Court are quite technical. I was racing the Bikefest this year and noticed I was able to keep up with — and even overtake — without actually pedalling, just by maintaining speed through the corners and pumping the trail. That's the kind of basic skills that will help people, I think. At another level it's just to help people enjoy their rides more.

"None of us wants to get disillusioned by riding with people who are so much faster, so we are keeping it real and inclusive. It won't be a mad race, we are just going to enjoy the trails, and enjoy learning a few skills.

"Unless you are a racer, racing is not much fun. So we are not going to be screaming round at maximum pace." 
What's the terrain like at Ashton Ct?
"There are lot of natural trails and obviously the man-made stuff at Ashton Court so there will be a variety of riding. Helmets are obviously mandatory; gloves are a very good idea. Beyond that, its whatever you feel comfortable in. Fully body armour if you like!

"There's no set time that we'll be out, it's dependent on who comes out and what they want to do  but I'm imaging it will be two hours give or take. Can be more or less, it depends on who turns up, to be honest.

"Lights will be a requirement pretty much any day soon. I think we'll have some lights from the shop to lend out. Night riding is addictive, once you've done it once you will want to get out there again as soon as possible. Even better, Ashton Court is a lot quieter at night of course, which is excellent!
"The off-road riding lights are more expensive, you are looking at £100 and upwards for a reasonable one. They are as powerful as car headlights, and allow you to ride off-road at night at the same speed as you would in the day. Night trails makes for a very dramatic ride, one you won't forget."

Meet at Mud Dock 6PM for 6.15PM each Wednesday to ride with Jon.
contact the Cycleworks to confirm what days we are riding out 0117 929 2151
Image via Mountain Bike Online

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