16 October 2008

Crossing over..........

Having just put together a cyclo cross bike for the winter to train and commute on, enjoying the 'go pretty much anywhere' feeling of the new steed, the idea of actually using the bike for its intended purpose of riding cyclo cross entered my mind. After all, the sun was shining at the weekend and the event was local - Ashton Court. Something to do on a warm October Sunday morning.

Many of the local riders had turned up, having dug out their winter cyclo cross machines, and of course the dedicated cross racers were there, sporting their lightweight bikes, warming up around the track. There was a healthy field of 45 riders for the senior event (seniors/vets/female) chatting away as we lined up. Hush descended as the countdown began. The starting pace was somewhat quicker than I was used to! The start of a 12 hour solo race is a more sedate affair. Surely we can't keep this pace up for the full hour?! Apparently we do!! The field strung out at he first climb, avoiding bottlenecks at the first wooded section. I was up at the front until my chain jumped off after the running section, causing chain suck. I had to stop and deal with it, losing vital places and momentum in the first few minutes. Pushing hard in anger, I tried regaining as many places as possible, but I had twisted the chain causing the gears to jump every pedal revolution.

The course was short n sharp, 2km of short climbs, fast flat sections and wooded trails. It felt like I had been thrown back to my early days of riding trails, with rigid forks and cantilever brakes, which just do not work! And with the added instability of riding drops. It was like learning to ride again, having got used to fat tyres and suspension.

The last lap hurt the legs, alot, but I had managed to claw back some of the places, finishing in 5th position. I felt like I had had a good workout, and the awesome weather helped no end. Do this in the middle of winter when the rain is lashing down and the trails have reverted back to muddy bogs? Oh yes! Round 3 is this weekend I believe. It was great fun and after all, it is only an hour.

Go on, you know you want to give it a go.......Check out the BCF cyclo cross calender, there's bound to be an event near you.

Team Mud Dock

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