28 October 2008

No biking this week

I miss my bike. I was watching ROAM last night and had that itch that only a good day on the trails can scratch. 8 whole days I have left my poor bikes festering in the garage. Alone and wondering what the hell has happened. That is the longest I have been off my bike for 2 years, normally averaging 15-20 hours a week!

Well it's all for a good cause. I'm training for the 6 day adventure race in Abu Dhabi. I returned yesterday from North Wales where I had launched the kayak into the River Dee and Irish Sea for a couple of days of kayaking with my 3 team mates from Team For Goodness Shakes (http://www.forgoodnessshakes.com/news.aspx). Highlights of the weekend were being frightened to death by a cocky seal which decided to pop its head up right by the boat. We also saw loads of herons, curlews etc and some amazing views of Snowdonia from the water.

The weekend was topped off with a spot of dune running to prepare our legs for the 110km foot section over the sand dunes of the Emirate. My feet ached after 30 mins so I've got some work to do!

But I miss my bike and tonight will be dusting off the singlespeed and ragging around some local trails with the Tuesday Night boys (but not before a 90 minute hill run and an hour of weights). I can't wait.


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